Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Jury Duty

That was the longest Jury Duty I have ever had. I was there from just before 8AM thru 10:15AM.

I spent 1/2 hour of that time trying to get a Sprint Wireless card working. I must be getting old b/c I could have sworn I used this device on the same notebook a couple of weeks ago.

Jury duty is also very expensive. Unpaid time off, no parking lot provided, opportunity cost... They did pay me. $6 for the day plus $2.52 for the 36 mile drive (as calculated from the center of my zip code). I netted $3.27 after paying $5.25 for parking.

It sounds like I'm complaining, but I don't mean to. I'm happy to serve & I hope karma will repay me for that if I'm ever falsely accused. I was almost disappointed that I wasn't selected as a juror.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Jury Duty

I have jury duty tomorrow. Maybe I'll come up with a blog entry...